Bump Update for iOS and Android Lets Users Share Files Between Their Phone and Computer

Bump on Thursday introduced an update to its iOS and Android apps, allowing users to easily send content from their phone to a computer. Everything on Bump’s end seems good to go—you’ll need to go to the company’s website for this to work, where you’ll be able to send just about any file imaginable up to 20MB in size.

Bump previously allowed users to hock files from phone to phone, and this is obviously a natural extension in functionality. Additionally, files from a computer can also be shared to a phone, meaning it’s a two-way highway; files you do wind up sending from your computer to Bump are stored in the app itself.

If you’ve been frustrated with getting files from your device to your computer, Bump might be a nice option. Of course, you can always just use something like Dropbox, which is just as easy.

[Source: TechnoBuffalo]

Bump adds support for sharing files via Dropbox

I remember Bump from its early days on the App Store, when it was one of the first "contact sharing" apps with a unique gimmick: where you simply "bumped" your iPhone to someone else's to share contact information. Since then, however, Bump has been steadily upgrading its app, adding lots of other sharing functionality.

And the app's latest update adds even more: In addition to sharing any files stored on your iOS device (functionality that was added in the 3.5 update), the latest update (3.5.3) adds the ability to share any files sitting on your Dropbox. All you need to do is hook up your Dropbox account, choose which files you'd like to share and bump away. Obviously, there are loads of ways to share Dropbox files already, but if you and a friend happen to both have Bump, that's one more thing you can do with it.

There's an impressive amount of functionality they're putting into that app. Bump is still a free download on the App Store.

[Source: TUAW]