We have a lot to think about when it comes to protecting our assets once we have passed away. Ensuring these are protected and passed on to who you want is important, particularly in the case of houses, money and any other large assets you have. This is still the case for any digital legacy's you may own. This can include any online social media sights such as Facebook, Twitter and your email, but also any online businesses you may have as well, particularly if there are many assets tied up in this also.
After you pass away, the internet stays the same. There is a way to ensure that the people you want dealing with this, know everything they need to. Making a note of all the websites you have signed up to over the years will ensure that these can be un-subscribed once you have gone. It is also useful to note down what you want to happen with these sites and leave it in your Will so that when it comes to dealing with it they will know what it is you wanted. It is also important to remember to leave your login details such as usernames, email addresses and passwords used for these sites so that people can access these.
This is particularly important for sites such as online banking, e-mail and utility sites where there are still ends that need to be tied up once you have gone. As well as this, social media sites need to be deleted, partially because you won't need an account, but also to save the heartbreak of family and friends when things such as birthday notifications or people writing 'Happy Birthday' if they don't know you have passed away. It is also a place where loved ones can see a lot of pictures and may still be grieving too much.
A lot of people make the mistake in that they leave their Wills so well hidden that their loved ones can't find it. Saga.co.uk ensure that it is stored online and they keep a copy so that when it comes to needing it, your loved ones can find it online and be able to deal with the Will accordingly. This also means that they can be accessed anywhere in the world. It is also important to remember to keep this up to date so that when the time comes to needing it, everything is just as you left it.
Author: Marc Oaks