Pandora app gets major redesign on Android and iOS with new social features

Numerically, going from version 3.2 of an app to 4.0 makes much more sense than starting at 1.7. But, Pandora won't let a little thing like logic stand in its way. Today both the iOS and Android editions of the internet radio app are being updated to 4.0, regardless of the latter's lagging version number. 4.0 brings with it a significant refresh of the UI which Pandora bills as "uniform," though we'd call them feature equivalent instead. "Uniform" implies that the apps look exactly the same, when in fact they adhere to the to the design language of their respective platforms. In addition to a new look there's a lot of new capabilities baked in, including quicker access to genre stations and the ability to rename stations you've created. There's also a new personal music profile that offers a detailed timeline of your listening habits, which you can share with others. (You can also keep your profile private, just in case you're embarrassed about that Quad City DJ's station you're always listening to.) The new social angle is highlighted with a music feed page that lets you see what your friends and people with similar tastes are listening too. Hit up Google Play and iTunes to update now, and don't miss the gallery below and the PR after the break.

[Source: Engadget]

WSJ: Apple developing competitor to Pandora, could launch within 'a matter of months'

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple is engaged in talks with record labels to create a Pandora-like music streaming service. According to the outlet's sources, the service will be ad-supported and will be accessible from Apple's wide array of hardware -- there's even hope that PC users may be able to catch some of the action. However, it's said that Android devices will be left out in the cold. The sources also say that the company had previously toyed with the idea of a service similar to Spotify with a monthly fee, but that this effort appears more serious. Licenses supposedly being sought by the House that Jobs Built could let them air songs more frequently than competitors and allow for additional interactivity. Since Apple's negotiations are at an early stage, it's expected to take months before the service materializes. At any rate, if you're still jonesin' for something fresh from Cupertino, we hear that something's been cooked up for next week.

Update: The New York Times is now chiming in with a similar report citing three sources of its own.

[Source: Engadget]