AT&T announces 20 new LTE locations

AT&T dumps a bucket full of LTE location news, both currently active cities and coming soon announcements

AT&T just sent out 20 press releases with a bunch of LTE announcements. There's a lot to digest, so allow us to break it all down in one place for easy reading.

New LTE cities that are currently active:

New LTE cities coming this summer:

There's no word on when exactly during the summer these will light up, but I'm sure AT&T will remind us again when they go live -- or you fine folks will let us all know the minute it drops.

[Source: AndroidCentral]

Hacker sentenced to 41 months for exploiting AT&T iPad security flaw

Hacker Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer was found guilty last year of spoofing iPad user IDs to gain access to an AT&T email database, and he's now been sentenced to 41 months in prison. The time was chalked up to one count of identity fraud and one count of conspiracy to access a computer without authorization. In addition to the nearly three and a half years behind bars, Auernheimer also faces another three years of supervised release, and restitution payments of $73,000 to AT&T.

Prosecutors in the case were asking for a four-year sentence, and reports say that they used both a Reddit Ask Me Anything post that Auernheimer did as well as quotes from the Encyclopedia Dramatica wiki. Auernheimer did give a statement before the sentencing, where he both read out a John Keats poem, and said that he was "going to jail for doing arithmetic."

Auernheimer has promised that he will appeal the sentencing, so this may not be the last we've heard of "Weev" just yet.

[Source: TUAW]

AT&T to allow FaceTime on non-shared data plans, but only on LTE devices

After ruffling plenty of feathers back in August when it announced that FaceTime over cellular would only be available to users on its Mobile Share data plans, AT&T has decided to loosen those restrictions a bit. Today, the carrier announced that customers on its new tiered data plans will be able to use FaceTime on its network, but only if they have LTE-capable devices.

This means that customers who still have grandfathered-in unlimited data plans are still out of luck if they'd like to FaceTime without using WiFi. Also, owners of non-LTE devices -- so, basically anything before the iPhone 5 and the third-generation iPad -- need not apply. You don't need to have LTE service for your device, however, which is at least some good news for those who don't live in AT&T's LTE coverage areas. If you meet the new criteria, you'll be able to start using FaceTime over cellular on AT&T in eight to 10 weeks.

[Source: TUAW]

AT&T announces cloud-based storage, 5 GB free for iOS users

AT&T's apparently jumping into the cloud storage fray with a new program called AT&T Locker. The service will provide up to 5 GB of free storage via an app to iOS users, with extra charges for any storage above that. To get started, AT&T users can grab the app right now, and then upload and access photos or videos on the app, or then share them off to other networks like Facebook, Twitter or (it's back!) MySpace.

It's an interesting move by AT&T for sure. The idea, apparently, is that by getting you to invest your documents and photos on their servers, there will be more reason for you to stay with their network when the opportunity to switch comes around. I don't know how well that will work, but 5 GB of extra free storage is always appreciated.

[Source: TUAW]