FRESH Unboxings & Other Channels

BIG NEWS! today sees the launch of a brand new channel. FRESH Unboxings has launched with its introduction video and the very first product unboxing. You can watch the very first video here.

I wanted to let you all know what the new channel will deliver and answer a pressing question… why start up another channel on YouTube?

FRESH Unboxings will be delivery purely gaming related content. Revealing special, limited & licensed editions of products. Here at the Geekanoids studio we get a lot of games, capture devices, headsets etc. So much so, that it could never all fit onto the existing channel. So, new channel, new style, new content and we hope you really enjoy it.

Now onto that question… why start up another channel? That is very easy to answer, Geekanoids is for the Geeky videos. These include the Apple devices & related products, photography, videography, mobile phones and technology videos. DailyTechTV exists for bringing you technology discussion on a daily basis by answering viewer questions. Then there is GeekVloggz, where you see me having some fun & a moan and giving you an insight into the person behind Geekanoids (yes me, Dave the Geek).
Mixing the new gaming related content in with our Geeky videos would be very confusing for subscribers, so it is a natural progression to separate it onto another channel. This gives us scope to build a network of channels that will grow into a major production company with other content producers coming on-board.

So, sit back, click those links and what the awesome content that Geekanoids producers. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our viewers for their continued support, views & comments… stay geeky :D