iPad 5 May Slim Down Thanks to More Efficient LEDs

The fifth generation iPad may be going on a diet of sorts as one analyst believes Apple is working on a new LED lighting system that would allow the popular tablet to slim down.

Speaking with CNET, Paul Semenza, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch, stated that he felt Apple was looking to slim down the fifth generation of the iPad in multiple ways. ”It’s likely that part of the thinner/lighter design will be reducing the size of the LED backlight, partly by making the display more efficient and partly by using more efficient LEDs,” Semenza said.

NPD DisplaySearch has contacts throughout the display supply chain, but it sounds as though Semenza may be speaking more from a speculative point of view than from some form of evidence.

A back panel that appeared in Jan. and alleged to be a component for the iPad 5 did seem to indicate that the next version would be trimming down to look more like the iPad mini. And a leak from this week that is supposedly the front panel showed thinner bezels along the side, which would also support the idea that Apple is playing around with the display.

There is no question that Apple is obsessed with making its devices as thin and lightweight as possible, so don’t be surprised if at least some of these come true when the iPad 5 hits the shelves.

[Source: TechnoBuffalo]