Apple iPad 3 Event Invites - missing home button !

Apple have finally sent out invites for a media event, the one we have all been waiting for, the new iPad 3 launch. Due to take place on 7th March 2012 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern / 6PM GMT at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, USA. 

Check out the invite too, I have been wishing for this for a long long time, even predicted in my videos, but that photo looks like there is no home button. If this is true, maybe we will get a capacitive button that appears centrally in both portrait and landscape. If my prediction comes true, I will certainly jump for joy. Now it could be that this picture shows the iPad 3 in landscape, but one can only hope I suppose. It also looks like the back of the device may well be black… does this mean we might get a white option too?

Check out the image below (enhanced)… do you see a home button?

Geekanoids will be following this closely, incuding the event itself and of course getting an iPad 3 in for testing and review.

*UPDATE* A lot of my readers & viewers have pointed out that the bubbles match up with the iPad being in landscape. This may be true, but I am still hopeful that Apple do the right thing and get rid of the physical button.