While it's possible to translate the hours and hours spent building worlds inMinecraft to real objects, we wouldn't say the results always match the initial vision -- they're more likely to involve either a miniature 3D printout or the time and money spent on a whole lot of Lego. Mojang and 13th Lab have developed what's arguably a smarter solution with their new Minecraft Reality for iOS. After scanning the environment, the app can insert anyone's uploaded cuboid masterpiece into a perspective-correct augmented reality for viewing from any angle. Interaction is mostly limited to resizing objects, but the title will display the handiwork of anyone nearby and take a shareable screenshot for posterity. There's no word of an Android version just yet; if that's no obstacle to making dreams a (virtual) reality, however, the $2 to pay for Minecraft Reality is a much cheaper and faster alternative to a mountain of plastic bricks.
[Source: Engadget]