Geekanoids MacBook Pro Project

We have some very exciting news for you all. Due to our increased readership and moving our website over to new server space, with unlimited bandwidth, we are now able to bring you even more video reviews. We have invested in some new software that will help us polish the look of the reviews, you should see this implemented in the next few weeks.

The big news is that we have a new MacBook Pro winging its way to us from Apple UK. This will enable us to process the video reviews faster and will also be used for scripts and show notes during the video reviews. None of this would have been possible without the help and support of some great companies that sponsored the MacBook Pro. We will be laser etching or thermally transferring logos into the lid of the laptop and we think the design we have in mind will look very striking, so check back towards the end of this month for the launch video of our very special MacBook Pro.

News Update - We have one space left on the MacBook Pro, so if you are interested get in touch now! Email us at

We would like to thank the following companies for sponsoring our MacBook Pro;