Nintendo Wii - UK Launch Initial Impressions

Nintendo Europe launched their much anticipated Nintendo Wii today. Plenty of consoles were available in Kent, and we rushed back to the office to open the box and set-up our new baby.
Initial impressions are that it is a small, well made and stylish box of tricks. It feels just right, nice, white and glossy. Set-up is easy, plug into the mains, scart to the TV, connect the sensor bar cable, turn on, and within 15 minutes (this included a couple of internet updates) we were ready to play.
Everything about the interface seems smooth and polished. Even entering the boring stuff, like WEP security settings seems fun, hovering your hand on the screen with the Wii Remote. The console is very quiet in use and sliding the disks in is a joy. We are testing Wii Sports now, so will report back later with our findings.
For £179.99 you can buy yourself a lot of fun this Christmas. Our main thought (with an Apple flavour) are that if Apple had done a console in 2006, it would have been the Wii !